Before there were any free platforms for blogging I coded my own blog and ran nationally Balancing the Issues. It cost money to maintain. Any real blogger pays fees to several services for access to documents. I still pay annually to maintain ownership of I do not publish under the .com, because unlike during the early days, you could buy a program which allowed you to code your own publication in a very user friendly format. It is not a question of money, it is a question of bad programs. No one has a program which matches my original program. Archives are important. The ability to search archives is important. On my side what I saw were subtopics, under which each post was archived by subtopic. It was easy to save the post and retrieve it. I could edit the code to fix printing problems. It is funny when it went free, the quality of the programs went down hill.
Well after checking with the state and Cameron County Appraisal district, so long as I only have one homestead in one state, I can maintain my residency in Texas, while living at least half the year in another state. My time in Texas will be somewhat limited. My home is a good investment. In five years I will be able to sell it for a lot more. When in Texas I will live in my home. Nothing on that issue will change.
But to be clear, I have no interest in Brownsville or Texas, unless it touches upon a national issue.
The other home is owned by a trust which gives me a life interest to live in the home. All bills are paid by the trust. When I die the home will be sold and the money given to the final beneficiary.
It is inconceivable to me the Founding Fathers ever imagined the type of deadly rifles we have today. I do concede they were educated enough to know technology would change and the quality and effectiveness of guns would improve.
They saw fit to insure the People could change things by providing for the amending of the constitution. They were very shortsighted on how divided the people really were. The only thing many people had in common was a desire to sever ties with England. And even on that issue, many people could not have cared less.
During the second Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, when England tried to take back the colonies, the states were not even united on that issue. In the beginning support for the war was soft. The southern states were already regretting the Union.
The pollsters tell us the overwhelming number of people support Roe v. Wade. We are fairly certain the Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade. True to form our press attacks those Justices who said Roe was settled law, but now seem poised to vote to overturn it.
The press is not focusing in on the key word. Many of these Justices during their confirmation hearing made clear when precedent is egregious it is subject to change. Some used words similar to egregious. Well, in justifying the overruling of Roe, Justice Alito bases his majority opinion on use of the word egregious. The problem is not one Senator bothered to ask the nominees what would make for egregious precedent. If you want to blame someone, blame the Democratic Senators for not asking what would make for egregious precedent.
Where are the people? Ever since abortion ended in Texas for all practical purposes, there has effectively been no meaningful protest. Even when the draft opinion overruling Roe was leaked, we saw a few small protests, but nothing like the million man march, and any type rally Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. could produce.
The people seem indifferent. Why? Because they feel it is not their job to take back their government. The Republic is dead. In my lifetime I do believe some states will secede although the Supreme Court has found it not permissible. Texas v. White, which made the finding is probably the most common law treasonous opinion ever penned by the Supreme Court. Secession was the foundation of our Republic as written by Thomas Jefferson.
The movement for secession has been around for centuries with Vermont leading the way, not Texas. Growing up on Long Island, it was common to speak of Nassau and Suffolk counties becoming a new state, breaking away from NY in the same way Vermont did centuries earlier. The movement is still there.
The California movement ranges remaking the state into 5 states, to outright secession.
The federal government is powerless. They are not going to send troops to suppress secession of any state if it happens. There will come a point, a state either on the left or the right will say, they are done.
This fracture has to end. But the reality is the fracture has existed between the North and South since the beginning and then the west after the Treaty of Guadalupe wherein Mexico lost the west to the U.S. Only California and Texas were allowed to become Republics, to only later dissolve their Republics to join the union.
The Republic is dead and it is time you decide where you want to be, and where you want your children to be.
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