Saturday, June 11, 2022


Yesterday I had some time to post the piece on several like minded well read blogs.  The readership shot up,  What people do not seem to understand locally, our problems are the same as those all over the U.S.  I am just giving it the national perspective.

Biden, and especially Kamala Harris have zero chance of being reelected.  I refuse to vote for any Democrat who does not call out Biden as the inept racist he is.  I will never forget how this narrow minded racist called out a black man for not being black enough.

Biden is one of those Democrats who  thinks just because he lets black people sit at his dinner table he is not a racist.

His belief in the confessional absolves him of all sins, so he has no moral compass to guide him.  He is automatically absolved in the confessional.  This con by the Catholic Church brought slaughter to millions around the world, through war, imperialism, and conquering of First Nations around the globe.

I like Pope Francis a lot, but he knows he is impotent as the Pope because the church is no longer at one in dogma.  Such as this country it is too fractured to be fixed without radical change.  They need to end the confessional.  People need to know their sins and learn to live with them.

I enjoyed yesterday's piece, and finally getting back into the national discussions.  The response in readership was very good.

If locally Brownsville wants to think of the bigger picture, they will read what I have to say.

I am not pro Republican, but I am vehemently opposed to the Plantation Democrats.  I want a fight, and taking pictures sitting around saying we care is like a fool taking a knife to a war where the other side is aiming a nuclear weapon at you.  Biden and his minions will never take on the Republicans.  To a person they are as guilty of the 19 dead children and two teachers in Uvalde as the gunman.

Until we call them out nothing will change.

I wish I had voted for Flores, even though I know she is dangerous.  Sanchez like his brother is a coward with no regard for the people.  Until we put up true hardcore Progressives willing to go head to head with the Republicans we lose. 

By denying the Democrats any voice until they are willing to really fight and call out the Republicans for what they are, and any Democrat unwilling to vote to bypass the filibuster, I say vote Republican, because the Republicans in total control is what it is going to  take for the people to finally give a crap and end them for good. 

When in town I am willing to work with those who want to start a New Democratic Progressive Party.  We still have time to run write in candidates for November. There is a national movement.  But it takes money and those with money in Texas want nothing to do with ending the tyranny of the Plantation Democrats. So be it.  In time more progressive Democrats and true socialist like me are going to just leave Texas to those of you who prefer life in a concentration camp wherein the government dictates your every move. 

Come November if the Democrat on the statewide ticket has not called out Biden for what he is, I will pull Republican.  The Plantation Democrats are to be denied any place at the table. 

I will keep this theme going through 2024.  Not one vote to any Democrat unwilling to call out Biden for the complete and total failure and racist he is. 

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