Friday, June 10, 2022



Guys I would much prefer your click on Balancing the Issues

Informative implies people are listening.  I watched in utter boredom, and I want Trump tried for treason. I will go so far as to say if the people of Wyoming primary Liz Cheney out of the Party, they should be renamed :The first state of insurrection and traitors."  But none of this is the point.  Was it informative?  No.  We really learned nothing which will change any person's opinion.

We as a nation are way too fractured under the current leadership, both Republican and Democrat to repair this country.  I thought Bush II was totally incompetent, but Biden gives new meaning to incompetent. 

People are hurting over the price of gas, and Biden does not invite Venezuela to a meeting of Latin American countries.  Maduro has put out an olive branch to work with American companies to get the oil moving again, but Biden says no because he wants to starve them.  He cannot tolerate any Latin American country which refuses to kowtow to the U.S.

If you think your fuel surcharge on your PUB bill was high in the bill you just got, wait until next month, it will be way over a $100.00.  This is on Biden and the Democrats. And no, I do not support the Republicans.  You can call out an incompetent Biden without supporting the Republicans.

The people of Cuba are fleeing in records numbers.  People are abandoning their homes because so many people are fleeing there is no one to buy the homes for sale.  They are flooding our border making the crisis worse. Biden now owns the border crisis.  

But Biden will do business with a leader who ordered the killing of an American journalist, but not any Latin American leader which refuses to learn their place. 

It may be time we start  thinking about trying Biden for crimes against humanity.  Any Democrat who stands with him deserves to lose. His  racist policies against Latin America will never stand in my book.  What has Cuba done to us to cause Biden to starve them to death, thereby compounding the border crisis? 

It will shock many, but if Adam Kinzinger [Republican] were able to start an independent movement for a White House  run I would donate to the campaign.  It is true we disagree on many issues, but he is very pragmatic and does not run from the truth.  Nothing is more important than restoring the Republic, and Adam is my man for that job.  I would support Liz Cheney as his VP, event though I have zero use for her father. 

There is no doubt in my mind these two would make bipartisanship the norm again and that is what the people want and this country needs.

Just weeks ago in Buffalo during a mass shooting in a predominately black community, 10 people we murdered.  Their congressman, a Republican came out for some additional gun control.  The community forced him to withdraw from his  race for reelection.  Do you think these people are listening or care?  No.  10 people murdered in a mass shooting, and the people of Buffalo forced their congressman to pull out of his reelection bid for supporting some gun control.

Newsflash, Ulvalde, Texas is predominately Republicans where 19 children were so brutally murdered only a pair of green sneakers were able to identify one child.  Nothing.  People are locked in to what they believe and 4 days of a propaganda show by the January 6th Committee will change nothing.  It is not informative.  Those who want to know the truth know the truth.

The basic core problem is  the Democrats are unwilling to come out swinging.

Chuck Schumer, as the Senate Majority leader [Democrat]  is a coward of the first degree. He needs to put the House Gun Reform bill on the floor of the Senate and call for a vote to bypass the filibuster with a clear message, everyone who votes no, especially Democrats, will have the blood on their hands of every dead child after the next mass shooting.

Every poll shows the people are tired of nothing getting done on anything.  Just do something in a very big way or resign and allow someone who is not a coward to lead. 

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